Searching for DOs
Just select your State or narrow the search further by selecting a city a tpe of fundraising event, e.g., ball, dinner, etc. Alternatively enter one or two words into the Find box and click on the Search button. You can also use the keyword search in combination with your other selections. To reset your selections click on the Reset Filters button.
The DO Support section of the fundraising event page provides details of the cause that the fundraising event supports. You can also get additional information from the linked event URL found under the venue details, if provided by the event organise
Click on the fundraising event you are attending - the DO Contact details section provides a phone contact and/or email contact for the fundraiser organiser. To email the event organiser click on the Contact but
No, you do not need to register on CharityDOs to use the event search functions Registering on CharityDOs does provide you with access to additional features like: buying tickets, sending "I want to Go" notifications to the event organiser, uploading event photos, leaving comments about events, connecting and interacting with Friends and a subscription to the monthly DOs News.
Click on the event venue hyperlink will take you to a page displaying a Google map of the venue location. Click on the "Get Directions" link to open google maps and enter your starting location to get detailed driving instructions.
You can click the "I Want to go" button to notify the fundraising event organiser that you are interested in attending their event. The event organiser will then contact you with any further instructions related to attending their fundraising event, including ticketing details if required. Also CharityDOs keeps track of the events you are attending and they will appear in your My Stuff-> My DOes for future reference. This does not commit you to attend the event.