Monday, 05 June 2017 09:47

July 23 Mega Hero March to Conquer Neurofibromatosis (NF) - Across Australia

The NF Megahero March is a walk for the NF Community, family and friends to get involved to raise funds for research and awareness into NF. 

Each city will have one Megahero Baton with as many people as possible, carrying it as they walk. But as part of this special event, everyone that registers will get their VERY OWN YELLOW CAPE! The baton and the cape demonstrate Megahero powers for adults and children with NF and gives you the power of freedom, might and determination to conquer NF.


9am: NF Megahero March kicks off in each city for walk

11am-12pm: Return to enjoy food and activities at the picnic site

1pm: Finish

What to bring

Remember you will need a hat, sunscreen and a water bottle to conquer the march! We suggest one person takes a back pack to hold everyone's belongings.


After the walk we will provide you with lunch and there will be food trucks available to purchase more food. Plus we will have some fun activities for the kids.

Want to walk a shorter distance?

Each city has the option to walk 2km if the longer walk is too far but if you intend to do this the cost to register still remains the same.

Children's Tumour Foundation of Australia

The Children’s Tumour Foundation of Australia (NF Australia) provides care and support to those impacted by Neurofibromatosis (NF), the umbrella term for three genetic conditions (NF1, NF2, Schwannomatosis) that cause tumours to grow on nerves throughout the body. 

The most common form of NF is Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1). Although usually diagnosed in children, NF is a lifelong medical condition and can affect many organs in the body, including the skin, eyes, bones, and nervous system. 

The Foundation is dedicated to providing information and support, public awareness, and raising funds to develop effective treatments and find a cure for NF.

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