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The Walk to DonateLife | DonateLife Week Launch 2024

The Walk to DonateLife | DonateLife Week Launch 2024

 28 Jul, 2024 - 28 Jul, 2024
 Sun 10:00am - Sun 1:00pm
 1 Parkland Boulevard
  Brisbane City, QLD
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What? Queensland celebrates the start of DonateLife Week (28 July - 4 August) with 'The Walk to DonateLife' and family fun day to bring together donor families, organ and tissue recipients, healthcare workers, supporters and the wider community.

Why is this important? Each year, DonateLife runs an annual, Australia-wide, campaign to spark a wave of community conversations around organ and tissue donation. Around 1,800 Australians are waiting for a transplant and around 14,000 additional people are on dialysis – some of whom may need a kidney transplant in future.

Where? The event will be held at Roma Street Parkland, with a 2km interactive walking route around the park. There will be novel challenges, games and giveaways for your teams, organised by DonateLife Qld and the Casanova team from Nova 106.9 FM. After the games and activities, bring out your picnic mats and unwind with a community-run sausage sizzle.

W hen? On Sunday, 28 July, please arrive at 9.45AM for a 10AM start. The event concludes at 1pm.

Cost? Entry is free for everyone. The sausage sizzle will only be available for registered attendees so please register via Eventbrite.

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 DonateLife Qldorganiser

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