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RU OK? Quiz Night

RU OK? Quiz Night

 20 Jul, 2024 - 20 Jul, 2024
 Sat 6:00pm - Sat 10:00pm
 22 Gepp Parade
  Derwent Park, TAS
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DO Details

Welcome to the RU OK? Quiz!

Mental Health matters and we want to make a difference!

RU OK? Quiz Night is raising money to help people who experience mental health conditions and start conversations around mental health to help remove the stigma - it's also a good opportunity to get together in the depths of a Tassie winter, have some laughs and healthy competition as we battle it out with some general knowledge.

In addition to the quiz night, I (Tim King) am also trekking the 150km Kokoda Trail in September to raise awreness and funds for RU OK? - come and wish me good luck!

All funds raised will be donated to RU OK?

So, gather your people and get ready to have a fab night of laughs & epic prizes - including a weekend away!

Ticket includes an entry into the quiz, drink (schooner of beer or house wine) on arrival & nibbles.

Food is also available for purchase from Brew Lab's epic kitchen - check the menu out here.

More details to come!


Tim ?

DO Organiser

 RU OK?organiser

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